tiistai 25. kesäkuuta 2013

Intervention at College of the Arts, Namibia

The students at Cota has thought about words that they associate with Finland. They made posters about the words and then we discussed about them. This was very interesting interaction between the Finns and the Namibians as well as learning opportunity about the two cultures. The idea was to develop a dialogue on which cultural co-operation can be based on. A great way to understand each others better. Further students worked out paper cities and discussed how Finnish-Namibian Cultural co-operation could help developing the City.  Students came up with great ideas on innovation development, social and technology design, empowering the young people to make the change themselves not receiving help. Working with the papercity at youtube http://youtu.be/dLlzQrPXXkQ

1 kommentti:

  1. Tänään jää sitten Namibia taakse. Hyvää jatkoa Etelä-Afrikkaan.
